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Industrial Magistrate Orders over $100K in Underpayment Claim; Finds Failure to Keep Employment Records
On 28 January 2025, the Industrial Magistrates Court (Court) ruled that Kahraman and Döne Karakuyu, the respondents who, in partnership, operated Newroz Kebabs and Turkish Bakery (Newroz) underpaid an ex-employee by $102,483.74. In doing so, the Industrial Magistrate ruled that the respondents breached the Restaurant, Tearoom and Catering Workers’ Award (Award) 392 times. The Court also ruled the respondents, by their own admission, breached section 49D(2) of the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) (IR Act) on 738 separate occasions by failing to keep employment records for the affected worker.
The claimant, Ms Jillian Dixon, is an industrial inspector for the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (Department). Ms Dixon started investigating Newroz in March 2022. At the conclusion of her investigation, in December 2022, Ms Dixon commenced proceedings at the Court alleging the respondents:
- failed to keep employment records, contrary to section 49D(s) of the IR Act, and
- failed to pay the affected worker the correct rates of pay and entitlements, contrary to the Award.
As part of her investigation, Ms Dixon issued the respondents with three notices to produce employment records. While some documents were produced, the respondents did not comply with the notices and during proceedings admitted they failed to keep employment records. The claimant alleged that the affected worker worked approximately 64.5 hours a week at Newroz between 2013 to 2020 and each week, he was paid $20 per hour in cash. The respondents denied the affected worker worked the hours alleged, and also denied that the Award applied to the employment relationship.
The Court considered a number of legal and factual disputes arising from the claim. One legal issue considered was whether the reverse onus of proof applied to the claim. While the claimant ordinarily proves their claim on the balance of probabilities, section 83EB of the IR Act, introduced on 22 June 2022, reverses the onus such that, unless they had a reasonable excuse, the respondents were required to positively prove they did not breach the Award if it was found they failed to keep employment records.
The respondents argued they had reasonable excuses for not complying with their obligation to keep employment records. They argued that they had delegated the day-to-day business to their son and accountants, thus having no more access to the records. Another excuse put forward by the respondents was that any records were lost after a renovation in 2017. The Court found these were not reasonable excuses, as the respondents and bookkeeper had a responsibility to keep employment records, and it was unreasonable not to do so.
This finding impacted other points of law considered by the Court. Having found there was no reasonable excuse not to keep and produce employment records, which were records relevant to the proceedings, the Industrial Magistrate, under section 83A(2)(b)(i) of the IR Act, extended the ordinary six-year limitation period to include 140 weekly pay periods from 27 April 2016 to 31 December 2018. Despite section 83EB of the IR Act coming into effect after the alleged contravention, it applied to the present case because it only affected the way the trial on the respondents’ compliance with its existing obligations was to be conducted.
In response to the alleged breaches of the Award, the respondents disputed whether the affected worker was employed in a ‘Restaurant and/or Tearoom’, or a ‘Catering Establishment’ as defined in clause 6 of the Award. The Industrial Magistrate rejected this contention for three reasons. Firstly, excluding a ‘kebab shop’ from the scope of the Award just because it is not specifically named in the Award would be too ‘overly narrow and pedantic’ and against the principles of construing industrial awards and agreements. Secondly, including kebab shops under the Award aligns with case law that ruled takeaway restaurants with optional dine-in services fit under the Award. Lastly, the presence of tables and chairs in the business meant customers could consume food on the premises and thus fit within clause 6 of the Award.
The respondents were unable to prove the affected worker did not work the hours alleged. This was because of the respondents’ inadequate, and sometimes contradictory, evidence. As such, the $20 paid for each hour of work was insufficient to cover the affected worker’s entitlements to overtime and public holiday rates. In addition to the underpayment, the Court found the affected worker did not receive meal break loading or a protective clothing allowance.
The respondents were ordered to pay the claimant $102,483.74 and the matter has been adjourned to proceedings on penalty. The full decision can be read here.
Industrial Magistrate Dismisses Claim Alleging Failure to Pay Shift Over Cycle Rates
The Australian Workers' Union (claimant) claimed UGL Resources (Contracting) Pty Ltd (respondent) failed to pay Shift Over Cycle rates for hours regularly worked over 10 hours in specified affected workers’ shifts from 7 May 2020 to 4 March 2022. The claimant argued that this failure breached:
- clause 14.8 of the UGL Resources (Contracting) Pty Ltd Karratha Enterprise Agreement 2019 (Agreement); and
- contravened section 323 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FWA).
The claimant sought orders for the underpayments, interest on judgment, and a civil penalty.
The respondent denied the alleged contraventions and contended that the Shift Over Cycle rates did not apply in the manner that the claimant contended. The respondent paid each affected worker for all hours worked, but 0.87 hours were paid at the base rate instead of the Shift Over Cycle rate. According to the claimant, each affected worker should have received 10 hours at the base rate and 0.87 hours at the Shift Over Cycle rate. The respondent argued that the Shift Over Cycle rate was designed to compensate employees for time worked in excess of the rostered hours.
The respondent relied upon the uncontested evidence of its Group Manager Industrial Relations, particularly the rationale behind the roster change that occurred in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a change which was implemented to ensure the continuation of maintenance works and employment at the Woodside Energy Limited operated Karratha Gas Plant. The roster saw employees working 14 days on followed by 14 days off (14:14 roster). The respondent’s evidence was that this roster was designed to accommodate the restrictions and requirements of the pandemic, allowing a 70% FIFO workforce to continue operations. The 14:14 roster also resulted in the shift length temporarily increasing from 10 hours to 10.867 hours to ensure employees met the base requirement of working 152 hours in a roster cycle. This also enabled the accrual of annual and personal leave based on an average 38-hour working week.
In addition to the evidence, the Industrial Magistrate considered the principles of interpreting industrial agreements, which include understanding the natural and ordinary meaning of the words used, the industrial context and purpose, and the circumstances of the origin and use of the clause in dispute. Ultimately the Industrial Magistrate was required to give effect to the evident purpose of the clause, which is to compensate employees for hours worked in excess of their rostered hours.
After contemplating the evidence and the purpose of disputed clause, the Industrial Magistrate determined that the respondent did not contravene clause 14.8 of the Agreement as it related to the affected workers and, therefore, did not contravene section 323 of the FWA. The claimant’s claim was dismissed. The decision can be read here.
New state employment laws commenced on 31 January 2025
New state employment laws commenced on 31 January 2025.
Key changes, which were introduced by the Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2024, include:
A new prohibition on sexual harassment in connection with work
Increased civil penalties for contravening state employment laws
Some changes to be introduced by the Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2024 have a later commencement date which has not yet been set. One of these changes will involve the improved regulation of registered industrial agents.
We are in the process of updating our website to reflect these changes where relevant. Please email if you have any queries about the law changes.
Industrial Magistrate Finds Training Obligations Not Met Under Enterprise Agreement
In December 2024, the Industrial Magistrates Court of WA determined that the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (claimant) proved, in part, that Qube Ports Pty Ltd (respondent) breached the Qube Ports Pty Ltd Port of Port Hedland Enterprise Agreement 2020 (Agreement).
The claimant argued the respondent breached:
- Clause 46.2(b) by failing to train its employees to a Certificate II standard in the Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council, Stevedoring Training Package; and
- Clause 46.2(c) by failing to pay for this training.
In June 2024, the claimant confirmed 17 of the respondent’s employees had not been trained, and were not currently being trained, to the Certificate II level.
In response, the respondent said there was no evidence of a decision or intention not to train its employees, and that the training obligation did not have to occur within a prescribed period of time.
The respondent gave evidence that its training organisation, Qube Learning Pty Ltd, was a Certificate II provider, however had been de-registered as of 9 May 2023. The respondent submitted this was the reason for the delay in training the affected employees and it was engaged in a re-registration process for Qube Learning Pty Ltd. However, the Industrial Magistrate observed that no training took place even when Qube Learning Pty Ltd was still registered.
The Industrial Magistrate construed cl 46.2 in the context of other entitlement provisions in the Agreement. His Honour found that timeliness is inherent in cl 46.2(b) and requires the respondent to take all reasonable steps to ensure it complies with the training obligation as soon as it becomes aware an employee is not trained to a Certificate II level.
The Industrial Magistrate also rejected the argument that the claimant needed to prove that the respondent did not intend to train its employees.
The Court ruled that the respondent breached cl 46.2(b) of the Agreement because the respondent failed to train 17 of its employees to a Certificate II level. However, since the employees have not been trained, the obligation to pay for the training under cl 46.2(c) did not arise and thus no breach of this clause had occurred.
The Industrial Magistrate found that since cl 46.2(b) was breached, the respondent acted contrary to s 50 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). A further hearing is to be convened over the issue of a civil penalty. The decision can be read here.
Industrial Magistrate Finds Overtime Not Paid in Accordance with Enterprise Agreement
The Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (claimant) alleged Qube Ports Pty Ltd (respondent) failed to pay overtime rates to an employee (and member of the claimant) after the employee completed the required 1820 annualised hours within a financial year. The claimant argued that this failure:
- breached Part B, clause 6.1 of the Qube Ports Pty Ltd Port of Dampier Enterprise Agreement 2020 (Agreement); and
- contravened section 50 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FWA).
The claimant sought orders for the payment of the entitlement, interest on judgment and a civil penalty.
Under Part B, clause 6 of the Agreement, Salaried Employees (SE) and Non-Salaried Employees (Non-SE) are entitled to overtime paid at the Supplementary Employees’ hourly rate once they have achieved or worked 1820 hours in a financial year.
Over the course of the financial year that included the period in dispute, the employee transitioned from a Non-SE to an SE. The respondent argued that the hours that the employee worked as a Non-SE did not contribute to his total annualised hours for the purposes of overtime once the employee became a SE.
The claimant contended that the employee was entitled to overtime at the Supplementary Employees’ hourly rate regardless of any changes to their employment category during the year.
The Industrial Magistrate determined that the preferred construction of Part B, clause 6 of the Agreement is that SE and Non-SE become entitled to overtime paid at the Supplementary Employees’ hourly rate when they achieve or work the total of 1820 hours in a year, regardless of any change to their category of employment during the year.
Having found the respondent breached the Agreement and contravened section 50 of the FWA, the Industrial Magistrate will convene a further hearing on the remaining issues. The decision can be read here.
Industrial Magistrate Dismisses Damaging Action Claim
A claim was brought to the Industrial Magistrates Court (IMC) under section 97A of the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) (IR Act). The claimant, a Senior Social Worker employed by East Metropolitan Health Service (respondent), alleged that the respondent had engaged in ‘damaging action’ under section 97A of the IR Act by threatening to alter his employment position because of employment-related complaints he had made.
The claimant commenced employment with the South Metropolitan Health Service in 2013 as a Senior Social Worker, moving to the managerial position of Team Leader at the East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) in 2016. The claimant has subsequently worked in various roles within EHMS, including Team Lead positions. Between 2018 and 2023, the claimant was the subject of complaints made against him and also made a series of employment-related complaints. The claimant’s complaints included allegations of workplace bullying, homophobia, and toxic work environments.
In 2023, the claimant continued to raise concerns about his experience in the workplace and in response, the respondent planned to create a new substantive role at the same or equivalent classification level that was suited to the claimant's qualifications and experience. The respondent subsequently proposed to transfer the claimant to a new substantive role at an equivalent classification level requiring similar qualifications and functions, but without line management responsibility for staff. The claimant argued that the respondent’s proposed removal of managerial responsibilities threated to alter his position to his disadvantage, and this proposal was made because of the numerous employment-related complaints he had made. The claimant sought orders for compensation and a civil pecuniary penalty.
The Industrial Magistrate was required to consider two key issues: whether the proposed transfer constituted ‘damaging action’ under section 97 of the IR Act, and if the proposed transfer constituted damaging action, whether there was a causal link between the employment-related complaints and the proposed transfer.
The Industrial Magistrate determined the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrated that the proposed transfer was not to the claimant’s disadvantage. The new substantive position was created specifically for the claimant to remedy feelings of being undervalued and not belonging at work, and where no suitable permanent vacancies were available. The claimant was not required to apply for the role and was given an opportunity to discuss the details of the position and provide feedback on the proposed transfer before it was implemented.
In finding that the proposal to transfer the claimant to a new role did not constitute ‘damaging action’, the respondent then did not bear any onus to prove that the transfer was not proposed to the claimant because of the claimant’s series of complaints. However, Her Honour contemplated the reasons for the proposed transfer and determined that, even if the proposal to transfer the claimant did constitute damaging action, the respondent did not propose to transfer the claimant because of the employment-related complaints he made. According, the Industrial Magistrate dismissed the claim. The full decision can be read here.
New video on pre-trial conferences
The Court, in collaboration with Circle Green Community Legal, has produced a new resource: A video guide to pre-trial conferences.
Off-work Officer Not Entitled to Travelling Time
A prison officer and member of the Western Australian Prison Officers' Union of Workers was headquartered at Broome Regional Prison. The Department of Justice Prison Officers' Industrial Agreement 2020 applied to the officer. The officer’s employer, the Department of Justice, required him to take his annual leave in accordance with a leave roster. But at the time the officer took leave, he was already on an authorised absence from work because he was incapacitated and in receipt of weekly payments of compensation under the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA).
Clause 85 of the Agreement entitles an officer who is headquartered in the North West, and who proceeds on annual leave to a destination outside that region to "paid travelling time". The Union alleged that the respondent contravened clause 85 of the Agreement by failing to pay the officer an amount in addition to his weekly payments of compensation as paid travel time. The employer denied any contravention of the Agreement.
Industrial Magistrate Cosentino was required to consider the nature of the entitlement in clause 85. In particular, whether the entitlement was to be allowed time off, or whether it was an entitlement to be compensated for travel in an officer’s own time. If it was an entitlement to be allowed time off, then the entitlement did not apply to the officer, who was already entitled to time off from work because of his compensable injury. The Industrial Magistrate identified several provisions of the Agreement’s text which pointed to an objective intention that the entitlement be to be allowed time off without loss of pay, rather than to be compensated for time spent travelling. Accordingly, the Industrial Magistrate rejected the Union’s contention that the officer was entitled to be paid an amount over and above the weekly payments he received for incapacity for the relevant period. There being no proven contravention of the Agreement, the claim was dismissed.
The decision can be read here.
Welcome to the Court's new website
Launched in March 2024, the Court's new website is designed to assist you to better understand and use Court services.
Key features of the new website include:
- Improved visual design
- Language translation
- Hearing list
- Contact the Court proforma email
Here are the new links for commonly used features on the old website:
We value your feedback and you can use the 'Was this webpage helpful?' section, at the bottom of each webpage, to let us know about your experience. Your feedback will help us to continue to improve the website for you. This is particularly important as we will be continuing to create new and improved content for the website in coming months.
Long Service Leave Contravention Upheld: Employment found to be Continuous
Under consideration by Industrial Magistrate Tsang was an application, seeking a review of a compliance notice issued by the respondent, Ms Catalucci, an Industrial Inspector, under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA). The notice alleged that the applicant contravened the Long Service Leave Act 1958 (WA) by not paying pro rata long service leave to Mr McCormick upon his employment termination in October 2020. The compliance notice required the applicant to remedy the contravention by paying Mr McCormick $9,345.21.
The applicant did not dispute the employment period or the calculation but argued that Mr McCormick was not entitled to long service leave because his two employment periods were not continuous. The central legal question was whether the termination of Mr McCormick’s apprenticeship contract, leading to a break in employment, affected his entitlement to long service leave.
Tsang IM analysed the statutory construction of “continuous employment” under the Long Service Leave Act. Tsang IM rejected the applicant’s arguments, finding that the completion of the apprenticeship did not terminate Mr McCormick’s employment relationship, and his subsequent role as an Electrician constituted continuous employment. Tsang IM emphasised the ordinary meaning of the statute, its legislative purpose, and the absence of specific provisions deeming the termination of an apprenticeship as a break in continuous employment.
Ultimately, Tsang IM concluded that Mr McCormick’s employment was continuous, lasting from 23 October 2012 to 29 October 2020. Consequently, the applicant was obligated to pay pro rata long service leave, and since the company failed to prove otherwise, the compliance notice was confirmed, and the application was dismissed.
The decision can be read here.